As if we don't think the scammers have sank low enough (see the post I'm writing next over on This Woman I Am), now people are being targeted in a massive phishing scam.
We got this message at work:
Please be aware of a fraudulent phishing program requesting recipients to register with CDC for swine flu vaccination. Upon clicking on the link, a malicious code will download onto the PC. CDC does not require online registration for H1N1 vaccination. Please do not respond to emails with such requests.
Are you kidding me? That is despicable and a bunch of BULL DROPPINGS!
I went to the CDC website and found a sample of the e-mail you may receive:

My friends, don't ever click on links like that. If you're truly concerned, go directly to the website of the CDC and look for that information. Yes, you'll find what you need to know about this e-mail. It's a scam.
When in doubt, look it up on Trust me, it's there.
Don't fall for the BULL DROPPINGS. Lord knows there's enough stuff out there in the real world to mess up your life without being scammed here in the virtual world.
And for real information on the H1N1 virus, aka the swine flu: