Saturday, May 30, 2009

Beware The New Check Scam

Well here we go again!

The latest scams involve checks.

First, the scammers are using craigslist. So you're trying to sell a car, you get an e-mail offering you full price. They send you a check and you're supposed to wire transfer the extra funds to the "shipper". (There are variations on the theme, they're all bad.)

The super bad news is that the check wasn't any good to start with, it was a fake. So your bank account will be minus the check amount AND you'll owe the bank for the money you transferred to the "shipper".


Very bad.

The second scam claims that you've won a prize from "NSW International Lotteries" or another sweepstakes. You'll get an initial check in the mail BUT you're supposed to send in a processing fee for the rest of the prize.

Yes, you guessed right. The first check is fake, but no one will know until AFTER you sent off the "processing fee". So you're screwed again.

In both cases, the check will be from "Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co."

In both cases, the check will be fake.

Even if it's not from Nationwide, it'll still be a fake check, trust me!

If someone tries to suck you into one of these scams, call Nationwide at 1-877-On Your Side® (1-877-669-6877) or make an online report immediately.

DO NOT put the fake check in your bank account!

Don't get sucked into the BULL DROPPINGS!

The vile pool of BS is getting deeper by the day and the scammers are using modern technology against you. Don't let them take your money, be a wise consumer!