Wednesday, May 11, 2011

You Need A Clearance Certificate!

You need to send $350 to the FBI for a Clearance Certificate OR ELSE!

Or else what? Since this is totally a scam, what does that guy in Nigeria (or the Ukraine or wherever the latest scammer is located) going to do about it?

Nothing of course. It's all BULL DROPPINGS!

In all seriousness, this phishing e-mail targets the unwary among us, the elderly, the people who are still naive about the vast kindergarten we call the Internet.

Take a minute and warn your family members, friends and co-workers that this old FBI scam is making the rounds again. There's no need to send any money out, there's no such thing as a Clearance Certificate for us regular folks.

And when you get some madness like this, before you panic, go to or even to google and check it out.

From the Valejo Times Herald:

Saturday, May 7, 2011

More and More and More

Now I get an e-mail from Michaels, the arts and crafts store, that they've had a security breach.


I'm starting to wonder if it's really smart to use credit/debit cards or if you should always use cash. Hard to do in today's world.

In the meantime, don't buy into the BULL DROPPINGS. Always, always, always protect your credit card numbers and never, ever give anyone your personal information over the phone, internet or in person unless YOU inticiated the transaction.