Saturday, October 25, 2008

Political Ad Campaigns

Look, I don't have much time today, I'm rushing.

The people who smother us with negative ad campaigns count on it, that you and I are too busy to look up the LIES and BULL DROPPINGS they're trying to put over as the truth.

Take a minute. Don't let your emotions or prejudices get in the way. Take a minute and look at what the ads say, and then use your dang head!!

Anytime an ad tries to wack you over the head with overblown and dramatic tactics, it's pretty much guaranteed to be 75% lies. Minimum.

In fact, the closer the election comes, the more likely the ad campaign is going to be:
1) Negative
2) Filled with lies

So slow down, take a deep breath, clear your head.

Don't buy into the BS.

The BULL DROPPINGS will drown you if you do.

The day after the election, the world won't end if gay marriage exists (the current state of marriage is a contract with the gov't, if you want to be "MARRIED" go to your church!!), if a Black man or the McSame is President, if we vote the bastards in or out, trust me, life will go on.

Don't believe the hype.

It's just more bull droppings...