Sunday, January 4, 2009

Got A Text Message From Your Bank?

Oh dear, did you get a text message from your bank, telling you to call an 800 number right away?

Hon, it's just another scam.

My credit union actually has fliers posted, warning customers to NOT respond to these text messages. It's just another variation on the phishing schemes that too many people fall for.

If you get an urgent text message from your bank, do yourself a huge favor. DON'T call that phone number that's so conveniently provided in the body of the text. Don't hit reply either. Instead, call your bank on the regular number and let them know what's happening. They may actually ask you to come in, or may tell you to ignore and delete the message.

In any case, don't fall for the BULL DROPPINGS! Never, ever give your personal bank information to anyone. If it really was the bank, they'd have all your info!!

Be smart in the New Year!

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