1) The header: Note that there's a misspelling. "FIST" instead of "FIRST." Really, they couldn't be bothered to check spelling? Or do they speak English fluently or at all?
2) The phone number: Hold up, that's not a United States phone number. Does Western Union even go to Europe? And what do they mean they send me money via Western Union? I never heard of these people! Oh, yeah, and Western Union is written western union. No reputable business would write a business name in all lower case.
3) E-mail addresses: Check out the e-mail addresses, both by the sender and the so-called "western union" address. OK, they sent me money? Note that there appear to be a whole lotta people they supposedly sent money to. --"undisclosed recipients" Really? What turnip truck do these clowns think I fell off?
Another danger sign with the e-mail address - Note that it's a hotmail address. Whaaat? This isn't a bank or business, it's a made up address that anybody could've snatched up and made an e-mail address. And you're not likely to get hotmail to cough up any info on the sender PLUS it'd be useless anyway, it's all fake. Trust me.
PLUS - Since when would Western Union not have their own website? Oh, yeah, they do. So why on God's green earth would the extension on this so-called address be @live.fr??? Really? REALLY?
4) The signature line: "IMF Managing Director" OK, they have GOT to be stupider than a stump to think that you'd really believe that the International Monetary Fund would send somebody like me or you 1.5 million dollars. Come on now!
There are a lot more warning signs, such as "winning funds" and "transfer payment information." What international contest did you enter that would send you money from the International Monetary Fund? Yup, none. And what transfer payment info are they asking for? Betcha it's your bank account info, which you never, ever, ever give to anyone!!
Oh my, the BULL DROPPINGS are getting deep in here. I'm going to have to step out for some air.
But in the meantime, DO NOT even bother to reply to these kinds of messages. Hit that "Spam" button and then delete your Spam box. It's not real, it's not gonna be real, and if you give this info to these rip-off artists, you will lose all of your money.
Trust me.
OK, don't trust me, check on it yourself. Google it or go to http://www.snopes.com/.
Don't be a fool. Remember the famous saying, "A fool and his money are soon parted."
Yup, now that's a truth to be remembered!
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