Thursday, February 14, 2008

The IRS Really Does Have A Refund For You

And you don't have to do a darn thing -- except file your 2007 taxes!

Even if you only made a little bit of money, or received Social Security or Veterans benefits, you may still get a refund IF you file your 2007 taxes.

Do your taxes this year and even if you're NOT getting a refund, put that direct deposit information on the forms. I'm not positive about those of you who don't normally get refunds, but I do know that if you're getting a refund this year for your regular taxes, and you qualify for that new money from the Feds, the IRS will directly deposit it into your bank account.

(How do I know these things? I get the newsletters and press releases directly from the IRS and Social Security Administration!)

HOWEVER, remember, as always, the IRS will NOT send you any e-mails asking for your personal information.

If you get any e-mails or phone calls demanding your bank information or social security number, hang up on them. Don't give the scammers any information. And if they call you back, hang up on them again!

Or, if you really want to be mean, tell them "Just a minute, I have to go look it up" and set the phone down and go watch TV, or go to the store, or wash dishes, or play with your computer. Eventually they'll hang up. And with any luck at all, they'll never call you back.

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