Yes, 2008 has come and gone.
I have many resolutions for the upcoming year. One is to write more in my blogs, especially pointing out the BULL DROPPINGS that get plopped into my e-mail, mail, voicemail, blogs, forums, etc, etc, etc.
I'll do my best to provide facts to void out those paranoid fantasies that prevail all too often in our media driven society.
I hope you'll be along for the ride, 2009 is going to be an interesting year.
Happy New Year!
What the heck are they trying to do? Don't be a fool, check out that advertisement, e-mail warning, or tall tale before you cough up good money for Bull Droppings! Remember, a fool and his (her) money are soon parted. Don't be a fool!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Political Ad Campaigns
Look, I don't have much time today, I'm rushing.
The people who smother us with negative ad campaigns count on it, that you and I are too busy to look up the LIES and BULL DROPPINGS they're trying to put over as the truth.
Take a minute. Don't let your emotions or prejudices get in the way. Take a minute and look at what the ads say, and then use your dang head!!
Anytime an ad tries to wack you over the head with overblown and dramatic tactics, it's pretty much guaranteed to be 75% lies. Minimum.
In fact, the closer the election comes, the more likely the ad campaign is going to be:
1) Negative
2) Filled with lies
So slow down, take a deep breath, clear your head.
Don't buy into the BS.
The BULL DROPPINGS will drown you if you do.
The day after the election, the world won't end if gay marriage exists (the current state of marriage is a contract with the gov't, if you want to be "MARRIED" go to your church!!), if a Black man or the McSame is President, if we vote the bastards in or out, trust me, life will go on.
Don't believe the hype.
It's just more bull droppings...
The people who smother us with negative ad campaigns count on it, that you and I are too busy to look up the LIES and BULL DROPPINGS they're trying to put over as the truth.
Take a minute. Don't let your emotions or prejudices get in the way. Take a minute and look at what the ads say, and then use your dang head!!
Anytime an ad tries to wack you over the head with overblown and dramatic tactics, it's pretty much guaranteed to be 75% lies. Minimum.
In fact, the closer the election comes, the more likely the ad campaign is going to be:
1) Negative
2) Filled with lies
So slow down, take a deep breath, clear your head.
Don't buy into the BS.
The BULL DROPPINGS will drown you if you do.
The day after the election, the world won't end if gay marriage exists (the current state of marriage is a contract with the gov't, if you want to be "MARRIED" go to your church!!), if a Black man or the McSame is President, if we vote the bastards in or out, trust me, life will go on.
Don't believe the hype.
It's just more bull droppings...
ad campaign,
gay marriage,
Saturday, September 20, 2008
The *72 Scam
This is a new low in scams.
Someone calls you and says they're from the CHP, there's been an accident and you need to hit star 72 (*72) and a phone number for more information.
People panic and do it.
Then they get hit with a HUGE phone bill, because they activated the call-forwarding function of their phone. So the scammer makes calls on their nickel.
Don't believe it!
The CHP won't call you, inmates can make more than one call (and they're COLLECT calls anyway -- not collect, not from the jail -- trust me!), and the phone company isn't testing their equipment.
No, no, no!
Check it out:
Don't be a victim! Fight back and when in doubt, hang up that phone, turn off that computer, close that door. Don't let scammers Bogart you!
The BULL DROPPINGS get deeper every day! Don't let them smell up your life!
This is a new low in scams.
Someone calls you and says they're from the CHP, there's been an accident and you need to hit star 72 (*72) and a phone number for more information.
People panic and do it.
Then they get hit with a HUGE phone bill, because they activated the call-forwarding function of their phone. So the scammer makes calls on their nickel.
Don't believe it!
The CHP won't call you, inmates can make more than one call (and they're COLLECT calls anyway -- not collect, not from the jail -- trust me!), and the phone company isn't testing their equipment.
No, no, no!
Check it out:
Don't be a victim! Fight back and when in doubt, hang up that phone, turn off that computer, close that door. Don't let scammers Bogart you!
The BULL DROPPINGS get deeper every day! Don't let them smell up your life!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
The Faces of Meth
Be warned, this slide show is horrifying.
Don't be sucked into the cesspool of meth addiction.
Yes, I know, some people claim that they use it and haven't changed a bit.
I think their view of reality is distorted by the substance abuse.
Don't believe the lies about how meth will help you lose weight, give you more energy, etc, etc.
The problem is that the end result isn't worth the meth...
Check this out:
Meth is poison that eats people from the inside out.
You don't have to believe me, the link shows it all...
Don't be sucked into the cesspool of meth addiction.
Yes, I know, some people claim that they use it and haven't changed a bit.
I think their view of reality is distorted by the substance abuse.
Don't believe the lies about how meth will help you lose weight, give you more energy, etc, etc.
The problem is that the end result isn't worth the meth...
Check this out:
Meth is poison that eats people from the inside out.
You don't have to believe me, the link shows it all...
Faces of Meth,
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Garbage In My Spam Box
Well, here's more trash from my spam box.
Look, don't be fooled. These are a dime a dozen phishing schemes. Never, ever, ever get sucked into responding to an e-mail like this one!
Just hit the forward button and send it straight to Then delete the message. No further action is needed.
Account Locked !
Dear PayPal Member, Due to the number of incorrect login attempts, your PayPal Account has been locked for your security. This has been done to secure your accounts and to protect your private information in case the login attempts were not done by you.. At PayPal we care about your security so, for your protection we are proactively notifying you of this activity. If you did not trigger this lockout, follow this link to Log on to your PayPal Online Account :
Click here to unlock your account !
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. We apologize for any inconvenience.Thank you for using PayPal!
Please do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered.
Look, don't be fooled. These are a dime a dozen phishing schemes. Never, ever, ever get sucked into responding to an e-mail like this one!
Just hit the forward button and send it straight to Then delete the message. No further action is needed.
Account Locked !
Dear PayPal Member, Due to the number of incorrect login attempts, your PayPal Account has been locked for your security. This has been done to secure your accounts and to protect your private information in case the login attempts were not done by you.. At PayPal we care about your security so, for your protection we are proactively notifying you of this activity. If you did not trigger this lockout, follow this link to Log on to your PayPal Online Account :
Click here to unlock your account !
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. We apologize for any inconvenience.Thank you for using PayPal!
Please do not reply to this e-mail. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Beware Of Messages From The IRS
While the IRS may send out informational messages, there are scammers out there trying to get your personal information.
I know I've said this before, and I'll say it again:
Whether it's via an e-mail, a phone call or a letter, the IRS, Social Security, your bank, PayPal, eBay or some other agency or business, they ARE NOT going to ask you for your personal information. They already have it!
NEVER, ever click on a link that takes you to the website to "update" your information. Open a new window and directly type in the web address to the agency or business. If there's a message for you, it will be in your message box.
Don't give personal information over the Internet, over the phone, or in response to a demand by mail.
People are out there looking to RIP YOU OFF!
Don't be a fool, be a smart consumer! Don't fall for BULL DROPPINGS!
I know I've said this before, and I'll say it again:
Whether it's via an e-mail, a phone call or a letter, the IRS, Social Security, your bank, PayPal, eBay or some other agency or business, they ARE NOT going to ask you for your personal information. They already have it!
NEVER, ever click on a link that takes you to the website to "update" your information. Open a new window and directly type in the web address to the agency or business. If there's a message for you, it will be in your message box.
Don't give personal information over the Internet, over the phone, or in response to a demand by mail.
People are out there looking to RIP YOU OFF!
Don't be a fool, be a smart consumer! Don't fall for BULL DROPPINGS!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Still Waiting
My friend sent me this e-mail and I thought it was SO FUNNY!
I did what you told me. I sent the email to 10 people like you said.I'm still waiting for that miracle to happen.

I did what you told me. I sent the email to 10 people like you said.I'm still waiting for that miracle to happen.

So, my friends, does this make it clear enough?
Yes, I believe that miracles happen and God answers all prayers. But forwarding on some silly thing that tells me to "send it to everyone I know" so I receive a miracle in an hour, a day, a month, a year, is ridiculous.
Please don't believe everything you read, half of it isn't true and the other half, well, it's probably BULL DROPPINGS!
(Apologies to the photographer, if I knew who you were, I'd certainly ask your permission and credit your work properly.)
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Snopes, A Resource You Should Use!
My friends think I'm really smart.
OK, I am smart, but not like they think I am.
I do research on many topics, so I've had to learn to look it up!
Snopes is a resource you should use. I can't count the number of times I've looked up that story, that e-mail, that article, and discovered that yes, it was just more bull-droppings.
There's no need to reinvent the wheel my friends. Just look it up on Google works pretty well too.
And remember, if it sounds too good to be true....
OK, I am smart, but not like they think I am.
I do research on many topics, so I've had to learn to look it up!
Snopes is a resource you should use. I can't count the number of times I've looked up that story, that e-mail, that article, and discovered that yes, it was just more bull-droppings.
There's no need to reinvent the wheel my friends. Just look it up on Google works pretty well too.
And remember, if it sounds too good to be true....
Thursday, February 14, 2008
The IRS Really Does Have A Refund For You
And you don't have to do a darn thing -- except file your 2007 taxes!
Even if you only made a little bit of money, or received Social Security or Veterans benefits, you may still get a refund IF you file your 2007 taxes.
Do your taxes this year and even if you're NOT getting a refund, put that direct deposit information on the forms. I'm not positive about those of you who don't normally get refunds, but I do know that if you're getting a refund this year for your regular taxes, and you qualify for that new money from the Feds, the IRS will directly deposit it into your bank account.
(How do I know these things? I get the newsletters and press releases directly from the IRS and Social Security Administration!)
HOWEVER, remember, as always, the IRS will NOT send you any e-mails asking for your personal information.
If you get any e-mails or phone calls demanding your bank information or social security number, hang up on them. Don't give the scammers any information. And if they call you back, hang up on them again!
Or, if you really want to be mean, tell them "Just a minute, I have to go look it up" and set the phone down and go watch TV, or go to the store, or wash dishes, or play with your computer. Eventually they'll hang up. And with any luck at all, they'll never call you back.
Even if you only made a little bit of money, or received Social Security or Veterans benefits, you may still get a refund IF you file your 2007 taxes.
Do your taxes this year and even if you're NOT getting a refund, put that direct deposit information on the forms. I'm not positive about those of you who don't normally get refunds, but I do know that if you're getting a refund this year for your regular taxes, and you qualify for that new money from the Feds, the IRS will directly deposit it into your bank account.
(How do I know these things? I get the newsletters and press releases directly from the IRS and Social Security Administration!)
HOWEVER, remember, as always, the IRS will NOT send you any e-mails asking for your personal information.
If you get any e-mails or phone calls demanding your bank information or social security number, hang up on them. Don't give the scammers any information. And if they call you back, hang up on them again!
Or, if you really want to be mean, tell them "Just a minute, I have to go look it up" and set the phone down and go watch TV, or go to the store, or wash dishes, or play with your computer. Eventually they'll hang up. And with any luck at all, they'll never call you back.
bank information,
Social Security,
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Please QUIT Sending This To Me
All right, I got another one.
Will my friends please QUIT sending this to me? Please?
If the immigrant is over 65 they can apply for SSI and Medicaid and get more than my mom gets for Social Security, and she worked from 1944 till 2004, only getting $791 per month because she was born before 1924 and there is a "catch 22".
It is interesting that the federal government provides a single refugee with a monthly allowance of $1,890.00 and each can also obtain an additional $580.00 in social assistance for a total of $2,470.00/month. This compares very well to a single pensioner who after contributing to the growth and development of America for 40 to 50 years can only receive a monthly maximum of $1,012.00 in old age pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement.
Maybe our pensioners should apply as refugees! Consider sending this to all your American friends, so we can all be ticked off and maybe get the refugees cut back to $1,012.00 and the pensioners up to $2,470.00 and enjoy some of the money we were forced to submit to the Government over the last 40 or 50 or 60 years.
Please forward to every American to expose what our elected politicians (Nancy P. Included) have been doing over the past 11 years - to the over-taxed American.
I call BULL DROPPINGS on this one.
I'm amazed that anyone would even fall for this and if you doubt me, check out
Don't believe everything you get in your e-mail, and for heaven's sake, before you send it to everyone, check it out! (Or e-mail it to me and I'll be happy to check it out for you.)
Will my friends please QUIT sending this to me? Please?
If the immigrant is over 65 they can apply for SSI and Medicaid and get more than my mom gets for Social Security, and she worked from 1944 till 2004, only getting $791 per month because she was born before 1924 and there is a "catch 22".
It is interesting that the federal government provides a single refugee with a monthly allowance of $1,890.00 and each can also obtain an additional $580.00 in social assistance for a total of $2,470.00/month. This compares very well to a single pensioner who after contributing to the growth and development of America for 40 to 50 years can only receive a monthly maximum of $1,012.00 in old age pension and Guaranteed Income Supplement.
Maybe our pensioners should apply as refugees! Consider sending this to all your American friends, so we can all be ticked off and maybe get the refugees cut back to $1,012.00 and the pensioners up to $2,470.00 and enjoy some of the money we were forced to submit to the Government over the last 40 or 50 or 60 years.
Please forward to every American to expose what our elected politicians (Nancy P. Included) have been doing over the past 11 years - to the over-taxed American.
I call BULL DROPPINGS on this one.
I'm amazed that anyone would even fall for this and if you doubt me, check out
Don't believe everything you get in your e-mail, and for heaven's sake, before you send it to everyone, check it out! (Or e-mail it to me and I'll be happy to check it out for you.)
government assistance,
Social Security
Sunday, January 20, 2008
I Have To Admit
Yes, I have to admit, I'm in a bit of a money crunch right now.
LOL, nothing new there! Being a single parent is never easy.
Anyway, I got one of those "you can borrow" letters in the mail. The offer was about what I need to cover some very pressing bills. So I called, they said I could borrow this money, BUT I'd have to use my paid off truck as collateral.
You know, I just wasn't comfortable with this.
It smelled like BULL DROPPINGS to me!
But then, as I was thinking about this, it suddenly came to me. I called my credit union. Yes, I still have to use my truck as collateral, but since I have direct deposit, they take the money off the top (IE, I never see it) so I can never get behind or have any crazy issues about my vehicle.
On top of that, I got a little MORE money, at a lower interest rate, with a shorter term loan for a little bit lower payments. Plus, when it's auto-pay, you get a discount of 1/4 % off your interest rate!
A much better deal. Plus they're direct paying the bills, so I don't even have to worry about mailing out the checks. The credit union is taking care of everything.
So, my friends, be warned that when you get an offer in the mail, rather than go for the first and supposedly easy loan, check it out. You can probably get a better deal by checking with your own bank or credit union!
LOL, nothing new there! Being a single parent is never easy.
Anyway, I got one of those "you can borrow" letters in the mail. The offer was about what I need to cover some very pressing bills. So I called, they said I could borrow this money, BUT I'd have to use my paid off truck as collateral.
You know, I just wasn't comfortable with this.
It smelled like BULL DROPPINGS to me!
But then, as I was thinking about this, it suddenly came to me. I called my credit union. Yes, I still have to use my truck as collateral, but since I have direct deposit, they take the money off the top (IE, I never see it) so I can never get behind or have any crazy issues about my vehicle.
On top of that, I got a little MORE money, at a lower interest rate, with a shorter term loan for a little bit lower payments. Plus, when it's auto-pay, you get a discount of 1/4 % off your interest rate!
A much better deal. Plus they're direct paying the bills, so I don't even have to worry about mailing out the checks. The credit union is taking care of everything.
So, my friends, be warned that when you get an offer in the mail, rather than go for the first and supposedly easy loan, check it out. You can probably get a better deal by checking with your own bank or credit union!
credit union,
direct deposit,
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Orange Oil, Yes Or No?
Actually, I started hearing about ads for termite treatments using orange oil a while ago.
I was feeling pretty darn doubtful about this, but dang, I read on, that orange oil actually works as well or better than conventional pesticide treatments for drywood termites (the kind that usually requires the house to be tented, not to be confused with the ones that live in the ground and only come into your house to eat).
I am truly amazed, I thought it was another scam.
LOL, not everything is bull droppings! Now and then there really is a better way...
I was feeling pretty darn doubtful about this, but dang, I read on, that orange oil actually works as well or better than conventional pesticide treatments for drywood termites (the kind that usually requires the house to be tented, not to be confused with the ones that live in the ground and only come into your house to eat).
I am truly amazed, I thought it was another scam.
LOL, not everything is bull droppings! Now and then there really is a better way...
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Same Scams, Different Year
Yes, we're starting a new year today.
The scammers are going to keep trying to separate you from your money. You're going to see many of the same scams with a different faces.
I can promise you, if you have e-mail, you'll get warnings from banks that you don't have accounts with, PayPal confirmation e-mails for products you didn't order (and they won't have your name on the e-mail), threats, cons, begging letters and of course, the all-popular "you have won" scams.
If you have a phone, you may get calls from bill collectors about paid off accounts from 20 years ago. Or about "bounced" checks that you never wrote. Or accounts you've never heard of (hey, follow up on those by checking your credit reports, some are ID theft!).
And don't forget, NEVER give out your personal information over the phone, Internet or by mail to someone who contacts you, especially if it's "out of the blue". Even if you know you owe a bill, don't give your information over the phone. Make them send you a letter, or go directly to the appropriate website to pay the bill. NEVER pay bills over the phone to a "bill collector".
It's too hard to tell the real from the fake, so my personal response is always the same. "Send me a letter about it." With a letter, an address, a phone number, I can figure out if it's really something I owe or if it's just another scammer working at getting my money!
Be careful out there in cyberspace and the real world in the new year. I'll be careful too.
The scammers are going to keep trying to separate you from your money. You're going to see many of the same scams with a different faces.
I can promise you, if you have e-mail, you'll get warnings from banks that you don't have accounts with, PayPal confirmation e-mails for products you didn't order (and they won't have your name on the e-mail), threats, cons, begging letters and of course, the all-popular "you have won" scams.
If you have a phone, you may get calls from bill collectors about paid off accounts from 20 years ago. Or about "bounced" checks that you never wrote. Or accounts you've never heard of (hey, follow up on those by checking your credit reports, some are ID theft!).
And don't forget, NEVER give out your personal information over the phone, Internet or by mail to someone who contacts you, especially if it's "out of the blue". Even if you know you owe a bill, don't give your information over the phone. Make them send you a letter, or go directly to the appropriate website to pay the bill. NEVER pay bills over the phone to a "bill collector".
It's too hard to tell the real from the fake, so my personal response is always the same. "Send me a letter about it." With a letter, an address, a phone number, I can figure out if it's really something I owe or if it's just another scammer working at getting my money!
Be careful out there in cyberspace and the real world in the new year. I'll be careful too.
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