Thursday, January 19, 2012

VISA Telephone Scam

Just posted on my credit union's website!


Members have reported receiving phone calls from ”Visa” saying: “a temporary block has been placed on your card; if you would like to reactivate your card, press 1 and enter your 16 digit card number.”

*** *** FCU nor any of our affiliates have initiated these calls. Please keep in mind that you should NEVER respond to this type of request and you should NEVER provide your account or personal information to unknown third parties.

Please contact *** *** if you have any questions or need further assistance.


Just great. Now they're calling people on the phone, trying to get their VISA credit card numbers.

Don't fall for these BULL DROPPINGS!

Never, ever, ever give your credit card number or personal information to someone who CLAIMS to be from your bank, credit union or credit card. Instead, hang up and call your bank, credit union or credit card directly. The telephone numbers are on your bank statements, in the phone book, online and on the back of your credit card.

And don't forget to notify your bank when you get calls, e-mails or other communications from scammers trying to fleece you like a sheep on shearing day!

Don't fall for the BULL DROPPINGS!
(And don't laugh, these scams must work or the scammers wouldn't be working so hard at them...)

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