Oh, no, I just read this article and realized that this scam is going to spread like wildfire! http://www.hometownsource.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=11852:latest-phishing-scam-hooks-businesses-customers&catid=1:latest
It's slightly more complicated for the scammer, but it looks like it will be a very lucrative scam for the ID thieves who are targeting car dealerships and their customers.
Once more, if ANYONE calls you, asking for your credit card numbers, bank information, Social Security number or any other personal or financial information, DON'T fall for the BULL DROPPINGS!
The bank has your information, they don't need you to "verify" a darn thing. If it's a store or other retail/Internet source, tell them you have to look it up and call them back. DO NOT use the number they gave you. Either walk in to the store and ask to speak to the manager or look up the correct number and call your credit card directly.
You really, really can't be too careful, the scammers are getting more and more creative every day!
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