Friday, February 20, 2009

The Property Tax Assessment Scam

Did you get a really official looking letter in the mail, telling you that you MUST send in $$ ASAP to have your property taxes lowered?

I sure hope you didn't send in a check, because the whole thing is BULL DROPPINGS.

Yes, it's been on the news and all over the Internet, but my co-worker's mom actually sent in a check. Luckily, she heard on the news that it was all a scam, so she was able to stop payment on the check before it reached the scammers. (Whew!!)

I'm telling you, people can't stay ahead of the scams -- mail, phone, e-mail, Internet, it's just too much. Even knowledgeable people are getting scammed.

Listen, if you want your property to be reassessed, then you should contact your local assessor's office, over at the county building. They'll do it for free.

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