While the IRS may send out informational messages, there are scammers out there trying to get your personal information.
I know I've said this before, and I'll say it again:
Whether it's via an e-mail, a phone call or a letter, the IRS, Social Security, your bank, PayPal, eBay or some other agency or business, they ARE NOT going to ask you for your personal information. They already have it!
NEVER, ever click on a link that takes you to the website to "update" your information. Open a new window and directly type in the web address to the agency or business. If there's a message for you, it will be in your message box.
Don't give personal information over the Internet, over the phone, or in response to a demand by mail.
People are out there looking to RIP YOU OFF!
Don't be a fool, be a smart consumer! Don't fall for BULL DROPPINGS!